Latest Newsletter – Neck Pain, Jaw Pain & Shoulder Pain
Read my latest newsletter - neck pain and how to undo it Click here
Latest Newsletter – Lifestyle change – why’s it so hard?
Read Anji's latest newsletter- how to make health changes stick! Latest Newsletter - Read me!
Latest Newsletter – Connection
Read the Newsletter 15/12/24
Latest Newsletter – Why is behavioural change (especially health) so hard?
Latest Newsletter – Time to Review 2024 so far
Newsletter 16th June – You’re a Classic – take care of yourself
Read the Newsletter 16/6/24
Anji’s tips in the i Newspaper
I was really pleased to be asked to contribute to this article at the I Newspaper - on simple ways to find calm. The short answer: small things, done regularly, really help. Move a bit, breathe a...
Latest Newsletter
Here's this week's Newsletter - all the ways to connect with Anji this year.
Anji x YogaMatters
I've teamed up with my friends at YogaMatters to develop some new recorded courses for those of you with back and neck pain. The 3-class course will be released soon - but in the meantime, check out...
A Royal Visit
Here's my family after my Dad, Dr Gian Gopal, received an MBE at Buckingham Palace on Wednesday. His award is for 'Services to the Community in Oxfordshire' where, since retiring from work as a...
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Medical Disclaimer
Materials, including images, text, videos, photographs and other elements are strictly for reference only and are not in any manner a substitute for medical advice. For all health or medical issues, consult a qualified healthcare provider. Anji Gopal & BackCareFoundation assume no responsibility or liability for any injuries or losses that may result from practicing yoga or any other exercise program. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before embarking on any physical practice. If you suffer from a specific injury or are managing a condition it is your responsibility to consider whether or not this practice is right for you at this time.