Anji’s tips in the i Newspaper

Anji’s tips in the i Newspaper

I was really pleased to be asked to contribute to this article at the I Newspaper – on simple ways to find calm. The short answer: small things, done regularly, really help. Move a bit, breathe a bit, look at something green. Give a smile to someone (anyone!),...

Anji x YogaMatters

I’ve teamed up with my friends at YogaMatters to develop some new recorded courses for those of you with back and neck pain. The 3-class course will be released soon – but in the meantime, check out my blog here. Anji x...

Anji in the Press – YogaMagazine

Working from Home? Back or Neck Pain (or both?!) Great to have another article featured in YogaMagazine’s March 2023 Issue. Yoga for BackCare is often part of an answer to simple spinal pain. There are some really helpful postures...