Latest Newsletter 21/4/24
Did you see the articles this weekend about Back Pain in the Guardian? Here's my Newsletter with practical tips to help. Make sure you subscribe to get this each week! Read the Newsletter...
A different Model of Health – the Koshas
Are you feeling under pressure in mind, body & spirit? A recent survey in my newsletter showed that 66% of readers felt that their health needed attention. This weeks' newsletter introduced a...
Short Videos on YouTube with Anji the BackCare Expert
If you have low back pain or neck pain, I've added a couple of shorts on YouTube for self-help. These are based on my expertise in clinic and beyond: a 20 min Yoga for BackCare basics a 5 minute...
BackCare Tips for the Office – With Anji in The Telegraph
BackCare with Anji in The Press this weekend Have a read of my helpful advice if you work in an office - tips to keep you active & your back moving, even if you are sitting most of the day....
Retreats – Santillan, Malaga, March 2023
FindingHealth retreat to Santillan, 3-nights, March 2023 Another fabulous retreat delivered to a brilliant bunch of guests at Europe's best retreat centre Santillan. 4 days of Yoga, food, rest,...
Anji in the Press – YogaMagazine
Working from Home? Back or Neck Pain (or both?!) Great to have another article featured in YogaMagazine's March 2023 Issue. Yoga for BackCare is often part of an answer to...
Back Pain can get in your head…
By Angela Davey, Yoga Teacher & Normal Human with Back Pain... Anyone with experience of back pain knows that physical pain does more than inconvenience and interrupt your daily life. Being...
Anji in the Press – Osteopathy Today
Pleased to have an article featured in the most recent issue of Osteopathy Today. The focus is on how to use Yoga & movement-based practices to enhance outcomes in the manual therapy clinic....
Neck pain? Shoulder Aches? 5 minute magic neck reliever
My practices & techniques aren't just for the low back - neck pain is probably the 2nd most common reason for patients to visit my clinic. Yes, hands-on treatment (and medication) can help, BUT...
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Medical Disclaimer
Materials, including images, text, videos, photographs and other elements are strictly for reference only and are not in any manner a substitute for medical advice. For all health or medical issues, consult a qualified healthcare provider. Anji Gopal & BackCareFoundation assume no responsibility or liability for any injuries or losses that may result from practicing yoga or any other exercise program. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider before embarking on any physical practice. If you suffer from a specific injury or are managing a condition it is your responsibility to consider whether or not this practice is right for you at this time.